
Entry #1
Pronunciation: kyut3 dim2
Character Meaning:
short of; to be short of; to lack
dot; how; o'clock; drop; spot; speck; extent; degree; aspect; characteristic; attribute; decimal point; decimal comma; item; thing; in what way; in what manner; whatever; however; to count one by one; to dip
Part of Speech: noun
  • shortcoming; defect; flaw (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) keoi5fan6jan4mou5me1kyut3dim2hai6taai3hou2jan4
    (Eng.) She doesn't have much flaws, just too kind.

  • demerit record, a system used by many schools as a punishment / record for minor misconducts (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) ci4dou3saam1ci3jiu3gei3jat1go3kyut3dim2
    (Eng.) If a person is late to school for three times, a misconduct record will be filed.

Antonym(s): Antonym(s): 優點 好處
See also: 毛病 欠缺 弊處 缺陷 破綻 瑕疵 優點 凸點 壞處 弱點 特點 瑕疵 盲點 着眼點 缺憾 難點 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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