
Entry #1
Pronunciation: suk1 tau4 wu1 gwai1
Character Meaning:
shrink; to contract; to shrink; to draw back; to withdraw; to recoil
head; first; number one; top; hairstyle; hair; area; location; end; side; leader; chief; boss
black; dark; to bow; to stoop
turtle; tortoise
Part of Speech: noun
a coward; literally 'turtle who pulls its head into its shell' (measure word: 隻)
(Cant.) naam4jan4lou5gau2seng4zek3suk1tau4wu1gwai1gam2nei5sik1m4sik1go3cau2zi6dim2se2aa3
(Eng.) You supposed to be a man, but you act like a turtle hiding in his shell. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
See also: 縮頭龜 懦夫 冇膽
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