
Entry #1
Pronunciation: wai4 do1 lei6 aa3 gong2
Character Meaning:
to maintain; to keep; to preserve; dimension
many; toast; much; a lot of; lots of; plenty of; frequently; more often
sharp; advantage; benefit; profit
second; second place; inferior; second-class; second-rate
harbour; port
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Proper Noun
Victoria Harbour (in Hong Kong)
(Cant.) wai4do1lei6aa3gong2seoi2sam1hoi2fut3daai6jau4leon4dou1ho2ji5ting4paak3gaa3
(Eng.) The Victoria Harbour is deep and wide enough for large vessels to anchor.
(Cant.) wai4do1lei6aa3gong2ge3je6ging2hou2leng3
(Eng.) The night view of Victory Harbour is beautiful.
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