
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zou2 hap6
Character Meaning:
group; set; to form
close; suit; combine; to close; to combine; to join (efforts); to unite; to match; to suit; to be equal to; to be equivalent to
Part of Speech: noun
combination; union; group (measure word: 個 / 隊)
(Cant.) tau4zi1zou2hap6
(Eng.) investment portfolio
(Cant.) gam1jat6jau5hou2do1san1zeon3ngok6taan4ge3zou2hap6ceot1zik6hoi1mok6ji4sik1
(Eng.) Today, many new singer groups are present at the opening ceremony.
See also: 合 兩溝 複合 工會 聯邦 聯會 團 集團 群組 組 二重奏 共冶一爐 各有千秋 合而為一 單槓 天作之合 平衡木 複合 變化多端 金木水火土 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: zou2 hap6
Character Meaning:
group; set; to form
close; suit; combine; to close; to combine; to join (efforts); to unite; to match; to suit; to be equal to; to be equivalent to
Part of Speech: verb
to make up; to combine
(Cant.) ni1bun2syu1jau4saam1go3bou6fan6zou2hap6ji4sing4
(Eng.) This book is made up of three parts.
See also: 作 老作 打扮 杜撰 合 複合 兩溝 二重奏 共冶一爐 各有千秋 合而為一 單槓 天作之合 平衡木 複合 變化多端 金木水火土 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2020 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License