
Entry #1
Pronunciation: cim1 dou3
Character Meaning:
to sign; to pick; to remove; to sign one's name
to; so ... that; to the extent that; to a point that; until; up to; approximately; about; around; to arrive; to reach; to come; to be present; to go to; to leave for
Part of Speech: verb
to sign in (for attendance marking)
(Cant.) keoi5hou2zou2faan1gung1mui5ziu1dou1hai6keoi5dai6jat1go3cim1dou3
(Eng.) Going to work very early, he is the first to sign in every morning.
See also: 登入 入數紙 加簽 抽簽 簽卡 簽單 簽帳 簽紙 開位 開單 開户 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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