
Entry #1
Pronunciation: go3 zung1
Character Meaning:

centre; hit; middle; medium; intermediate; origin; focus; within; in the process of; in progress; post-verbal suffix; China; Chinese; secondary school
Part of Speech: noun
therein; inside (often used to modify the following noun)
(Cant.) naan4ji5lei5gaai2go3zung1ou3miu6
(Eng.) It is hard to understand the mystery deep inside.
(Cant.) diu3gwo3jat1ci3jyu2nei5zau6wui5ming4baak6go3zung1lok6ceoi3gaa3laa3
(Eng.) You try to go fishing once and you will understand the fun in it.
See also: 裏面 入面 埋便 內幕 一目瞭然 一言以蔽之 不一而足 不為人知 不言而喻 前因後果 字裏行間 樂在其中 言人人殊 顯而易見 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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