
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bat1 doi2
Character Meaning:
pen; pencil; writing brush; writing instrument; sum; amount of money; to spoon; to scoop; to ladle
bag; pocket; sack; with a pocket; a packet of; a bag of; a sack of
Part of Speech: noun
pencil case (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) ngo5gam1jat6maai5zo2go3san1bat1doi2aa3nei5tai2haa5leng3m4leng3
(Eng.) I bought a new pencil case today, see, is it beautiful?
See also: 化妝袋 原稿紙 墨盒 帆布袋 手襪 筆盒 筆筒 紙屑 索繩袋 豆袋 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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