
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zaam6 zoeng2
Character Meaning:
to stand; station; stop; to stand up
to grow; long; length; strong point; merit; specialty
Part of Speech: noun
  • stationmaster; station/terminus regulator/supervisor (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) zaam6zoeng2sat1
    (Eng.) stationmaster's room; regulator's room
    (Cant.) zo6lei5zaam6zoeng2
    (Eng.) assistant station/terminus regulator

  • figuratively, someone who does things very slowly and hence causes annoyance to others (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) nei5go3zaam6zoeng2faai3di1ceot1paai2laa1
    (Eng.) You're playing too slowly, hurry up and play your card!

See also: 倉務員 大站 嫌命長 宇航員 手尾長 接待員 百夫長 站頭 管理員 電車站 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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