
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sit3 ceoi2
Character Meaning:
to steal; to pilfer; secretly; stealthily
to take; to get; to obtain; to gain
Part of Speech: verb
to steal; to take possession of something illegally
(Cant.) sit3ceoi2din6lik6
(Eng.) abstracting of electricity
(Cant.) sit3ceoi2gwok3gaa1gei1mat6
(Eng.) theft of state secrets
(Cant.) jyun4gung1dim2gik1ok3ji3mong5zaam6lin4git3waak6cit3ding6taai3ji6po3gaai2ge3mat6maa5dou1hai6hak1haak3nang4gau3sit3ceoi2gung1si1sou3geoi3ge3jyun4jan1
(Eng.) Employees clicking on malicious links or using weak passwords are some of the ways that hackers have been able to gain access to companies' data.
See also: 哨 偷 偷竊 盜竊 侵吞 偷取 外泄 拾取 摘取 泄露 牟取 盜取 盜竊 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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