
Entry #1
Pronunciation: dau3
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Slang
  • nest built by insects or some other animals; den
    (Cant.) ngai5dau3
    (Eng.) ant colony
    (Cant.) mat6fung1dau3
    (Eng.) hornet's nest

  • (informal) home; dwelling place; crib
    (Cant.) keoi5go3dau3lyun6dou3sei2jau5paai4zap1
    (Eng.) His place is extremely messy and needs a lot of cleaning up.

  • lair; hideout
    (Cant.) caak6dau3
    (Eng.) robbers' hideout
    (Cant.) go3dau3gam3jan2bai3di1caai1jan4dou1hou2naan4wan2dou2keoi5dei6lo3
    (Eng.) The hideout was so well hidden that the police would have a hard time finding them.

See also: 主場 回家 府 根 BB牀
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