
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zai3 kei4
Character Meaning:
to offer sacrifice; to offer sacrifices; to worship; of rituals; of sacrifices
flag; banner
Part of Speech: verb
Labels: Slang
to scapegoat; to make an example
(Cant.) gam1ci3gung1si1sit6zo2gam3do1cin2lou5sai3hang2ding6wan2ngo5lai4zai3kei4
(Eng.) With such financial loss, I wouldn't be surprised that I would be sent away with boxes as an example.
Synonym: Synonym: 食死貓
See also: 孭鑊 食死貓 代罪羔羊 替死鬼 下馬威 代罪羔羊 冤有頭債有主 引火自焚 替死鬼 殺一儆百 殺雞儆猴 殺雞焉用牛刀 玩火自焚 秋後算帳 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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