
Entry #1
Pronunciation: san4 kei4
Character Meaning:
god; spirit; mind; expression; look; goddess; deity; not working; dysfunctional; inoperative; insane; crazy; nuts; mad; out of one's mind
extraordinary; odd, rare; strange; queer; odd; weird; surprising; amazing; novel
Part of Speech: adjective
miraculous; magical; wonderful
(Cant.) gaa3fo2ce1m4sai2jung6din6zau6sik1haang4hou2san4kei4aa3
(Eng.) It's amazing that the train runs without electricity.
(Cant.) hou2san4kei4aa3dim2gaai2zek3gung1zai2wui5sik1gong2je5ge2
(Eng.) Miraculous! How come the doll could speak?
See also: 靈 法術 魔術 巫術 怪不得 唔怪得 怪唔得 難怪 不可思議 出人意表 奇妙 奇特 引人入勝 神乎其技 神祕 精奇 超凡入聖 驚奇 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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