
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tai2 zyu6
Character Meaning:
to look; to look at; to see; to watch; to check; to find out; to think; to judge; to consider; to depend on; to be affected by; to take care of; to keep an eye on; to monitor; be careful of; be wary of
to live; for now; can; -able
Part of Speech: verb
  • to watch over; to keep an eye on
    (Cant.) tai2zyu6di1doi2
    (Eng.) to keep an eye on the bags

  • to watch out (not to), to be careful
    (Cant.) ngaam1ngaam1to1jyun4dei6tai2zyu6sin3aa3
    (Eng.) I've just mopped the floor. Be careful, don't fall down.

See also: 看守 看 睇實 𥄫 看住 仲好講 傍住 啤住 局住 形住 挨住 睥住 跟住 閘住 驚住 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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