
Entry #1
Pronunciation: baak6 gaap3 zyun3
Character Meaning:
white; to inform; easy to understand; in vain; for nothing; free of charge; at no cost
鴿 dove; pigeon
to turn; to rotate; to switch; to change; round
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Jargon
a situation that a vehicle loses control on steering, caused by the loss of grip, as a result it skids and spins about a round (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) gaa3paau2ce1hoeng2waan1wai2sat1hung3zyun3zo2saam1go3baak6鴿gaap3zyun3zeoi3hau6zong6zo2maai4heoi3fong4wu6laan4
(Eng.) The race car lost control at the corner and spun 3 times before hitting the crash barrier.
Copyrights:© 2019 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: baak6 gaap3 zyun3
Character Meaning:
white; to inform; easy to understand; in vain; for nothing; free of charge; at no cost
鴿 dove; pigeon
to turn; to rotate; to switch; to change; round
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Slang
a short visit to and from a place; literally "pigeon turn" (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) #打個白鴿轉daa2 go3 baak6 gaap3 zyun3
(Eng.) to visit shortly to and from a place
See also: 鴿
Copyrights:© 2019 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License