
Entry #1
Pronunciation: faat3 din1
Character Meaning:
send out; get rich; to occur; to start; to rise; to produce; to send out; to distribute; to allocate; to spread out; to express; to develop; to become; to flourish; to feel; to expose; to discover; to invent; to whisk; to whip someone; to prosper; to be rich; to worsen; to grow a plant
Part of Speech: verb
to go crazy, mad or insane
(Cant.) mun6dou3faat3din1
(Eng.) going crazy with boredom
(Cant.) keoi5po3caan2zi1hau6zau6faat3zo2din1laa3
(Eng.) After his bankruptcy, he went crazy.
(Cant.) di1seng1zau6lai4cou4dou3ngo5faat3din1laa3
(Eng.) The noise is about to drive me crazy.
(Cant.) nei5ging2jin4si1laan6zoeng1zi1piu3nei5faat3zo2din1aa4
(Eng.) How dare you rip the cheque up! Are you mad?
See also: 嘈嘈閉 打乞嗤 爆響口 狗急跳牆 發噏瘋 發瘟 發神經 發窮惡 發雞盲 破口大罵 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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