
Entry #1
Pronunciation: dong1 ngaan5
Character Meaning:
as; consider; when; while; just at; to work as; to serve as; to undertake; to face; to be situated in; to consider; to treat as; to think of; to pawn an item; should; ought to; suitable; just
eye; hole; aperture; glance; glimpse
Part of Speech: adjective
(of placement of an object) easy to notice
(Cant.) go3ziu1paai4dong1ngaan5di1jan4haak3dou1do1di1
(Eng.) If you put the sign here, more people will notice it and will bring in more customers.
Antonym(s): Antonym(s): 隱蔽
See also: 千里眼 大模斯樣 大驚失色 小心眼 擠眉弄眼 細眉細眼 蓬頭垢面 複眼 金睛火眼 鬥雞眼 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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