
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bat1 jip6
Character Meaning:
to finish; to complete; to end
business; line of business; industry; occupation; profession; employment; property; belonging; (Buddhism) karma
Part of Speech: verb
  • to finish school; to graduate; to finish a course
    (Cant.) ngo51997jat1 gau2 gau2 cat1nin4hai2hoeng1gong2daai6hok6bat1jip6
    (Eng.) I graduated from the University of Hong Kong in 1997.

  • to have surpassed that level; no longer to do something or work at some place
    (Cant.) hng1ngo5ji5ging1cung4dung6maan6ni1di1ji6ci3jyun4caan2mat6zung1bat1jip6laa3ngo5ji4gaa1zi2wui5tai2jin6sat6ge3din6jing2siu2syut3
    (Eng.) Hum, I've already graduated from the 2-D products like anime and manga, I only watch movies and novels in real life now!

See also: grad 舊生 畢業生 修讀 入讀 升讀 就讀 工商管理 肄業 負笈 輟學 轉學 預科 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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