
Entry #1
Pronunciation: naam4 neoi5
Character Meaning:
male; man; men
daughter; female; woman; girlfriend
Part of Speech: noun
  • men and women; males and females
    (Cant.) 男女老少naam4 neoi5 lou5 siu3
    (Eng.) people of all ages and both sexes
    (Cant.) 男女授受不親naam4 neoi5 sau6 sau6 bat1 can1
    (Eng.) men and women should not have intimidate contact if they are not relatives or couples

  • lovers formed by a man and a woman (measure word: 對)
    (Cant.) 狗男女gau2 naam4 neoi5
    (Eng.) a cheating couple
    (Cant.) naam4neoi5gwaan1hai6
    (Eng.) intimate relationship; romantic or sexual friendship between a man and a woman

See also: 兒女 女一 女女 情侶 男一 男妓 男排 男歡女愛 舞女 閨女 骨女 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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