
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jung6
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • usefulness
    (Cant.) 有用jau5 jung6
    (Eng.) useful; literally, to have use
    (Cant.) 冇用mou5 jung6
    (Eng.) useless; literally, to have no use

  • (usually of food) to have; to enjoy
    (Cant.) 享用hoeng2 jung6
    (Eng.) to enjoy and use
    (Cant.) 用餐jung6 caan1
    (Eng.) (formal) to have a meal; to dine
    (Cant.) 用膳jung6 sin6
    (Eng.) (formal) to have a meal; to dine

  • for a specific use
    (Cant.) 商用
    (Eng.) for business use
    (Cant.) 自用
    (Eng.) for self-use
    (Cant.) 工業用
    (Eng.) for industrial use

See also: 效用 設有 得到 放 持有 欣賞 享 耍樂 有用 啱用 用得著 管用
Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: jung6
Part of Speech: verb
  • to use; to employ a tool or method to achieve an end
    (Cant.) ni1fuk1waa2ngo5jung6din6nou5waak6ge2
    (Eng.) This picture was drawn by me using a computer.
    (Cant.) ngo5jung6gwong2dung1waa2gong2do1ci3bei2nei5teng1laa1
    (Eng.) Let me explain to you again using Cantonese.

  • to use up; to expend resources, whether physical or temporal
    (Cant.) zi1ngaa4gou1jung6zo2jat1bun3
    (Eng.) The toothpaste in the tube is half-used up.
    (Cant.) keoi5jung6zo2saam1nin4si4gaan3se2ni1bun2syu1
    (Eng.) He has spent three years writing this book.
    (Cant.) ngo5jung6zo2luk6gau6gei2sin1pok3dou2zoeng1fei1zaa3
    (Eng.) I spent up to 600 dollars and more buying the ticket.

Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License