
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sang1 cin4
Character Meaning:
raw; to give birth; uncooked; alive; Mr.; life; birth; grow; learner; to give birth to; to bear; to grow up; to grow; to cause; to give rise to
front; ago; before; earlier; used as a suffix; ex-; forward; preceding; pioneering; open; trending
Part of Speech: adverb
during one's life; when one was alive
(Cant.) keoi5sang1cin4zou6gwo3hou2do1waai6si6
(Eng.) He did a lot of bad things during his life.
See also: 外祖母 外祖父 往生 曾祖母 積勞成疾 素昧平生 與世長辭 遺容 遺腹子 雖死猶生 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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