
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jin6 zong1
Character Meaning:
current; to show; to appear; the present
villa; solemn, serious; a university jargon; dealer
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Jargon
committee member of the current session of a university-based student organization, a university jargon
(Cant.) teng1gong2hok6saang1bou3jin6zong1di1zong1jyun4zou6je5hou2do1lat1lau6wo3nei5lai4gan2tung4keoi5dei6hap6zok3jiu3siu2sam1di1laa3
(Eng.) It's heard that the committee members in charge of the students' publication often make mistakes. You'd better pay more attention when cooperating with them.
See also: 三顧草廬 下莊 單刀赴會 幼吾幼以及人之幼 得饒人處且饒人 朝秦暮楚 現充 與此同時 話不投機半句多 黃馬褂 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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