
Entry #1
Pronunciation: mat6 lei5 zi6 liu4
Character Meaning:
matter; thing; object
to care about; to pay attention to; to focus on; to care for; to spend time on; reason; logic; natural science
to punish; to constraint; to cure; to heal; to treat; to wipe out; to administer; to rule; good rule; to study; to research
to treat; to heal
Part of Speech: noun
(med.) physiotherapy, physical therapy
(Cant.) mat6lei5zi6liu4si1
(Eng.) physiotherapist
(Cant.) zou6mat6lei5zi6liu4
(Eng.) to undergo physiotherapy
(Cant.) ngo5zi1cin4zou6jyun4sau2seot6tung3dou3haang4m1dou2zou6jyun4mat6lei5zi6liu4hou2zo2hou2do1
(Eng.) I initially couldn't walk due to pain after the surgery, but it improved significantly after physiotherapy.
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