
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zang1 dyut6
Character Meaning:
to compete; to argue; to dispute; to fight for
seize; to take by force; to snatch; to seize
Part of Speech: verb
to fight and compete for something
(Cant.) zang1dyut6zin3
(Eng.) fight; competition
(Cant.) zang1dyut6gun3gwan1bou2zo6
(Eng.) to fight for the champion throne
(Cant.) duk6coi4ze2sei2zo2zi1hau6jat1baan1zoeng1gwan1wai6zo2zang1dyut6kyun4lik6ji4wan6zin3
(Eng.) After the death of the dictator, there was a tangled fight for power among the generals.
See also: 侵奪 奪取 搶奪 爭冠 爭逐 爭雄 爭霸 爭鬥 篡奪 覬覦 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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