
Entry #1
Pronunciation: laan6 mei5
Character Meaning:
broken; incomplete; damaged; mashed; sodden; overcooked; bad; of low quality; messy; very; extremely; bright; eye-catching; to rot; to go bad
tail; last; final; end; remaining part
Part of Speech: verb
to be unable to finish a project; to mess up at the end; to have a bad end
(Cant.) 爛尾樓laan6 mei5 lau2
(Eng.) unfinished building (usually because of the constructor has financial problems)
(Cant.) ngo5dei6jau6wun6zo2go3lou5sai3tai2lei4ni1go3hong6muk6wui5laan6mei5gaa3laa3
(Eng.) Our old boss left, so it seems like the project will be left in limbo.
(Cant.) jau6hai6jat1tou3laan6mei5ge3kek6
(Eng.) Yet another soap opera with an anti-climatic ending.
See also: 半途而廢 埋尾 無底深潭 無疾而終 爛帳 爛滾 爛賬 胎死腹中 虎頭蛇尾 血本無歸 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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