
Entry #1
Pronunciation: mou4 sou3
Character Meaning:
nothing; none; nil; without; lacking
to count; number; figure; debt; amount of money; sum; mathematics; to enumerate; to list
Part of Speech: adjective
countless; innumerable; numberless
(Cant.) wok6zoeng2mou4sou3
(Eng.) to get countless awards
(Cant.) 閲人無數jyut6 jan4 mou4 sou3
(Eng.) to have met and known numerous people, and thus well experienced in identifying a person's personality and traits
(Cant.) ngan4ho4leoi5min6jau5mou4sou3ge3sing1sing1
(Eng.) There are countless stars in the Milky Way.
See also: 萬千 數之不盡 多不勝數 不計其數 不可勝數 千千萬萬 眾多 排到尖沙咀 一次又一次 不可勝數 不計其數 千千萬萬 各式各樣 各種各樣 大大小小 成千上萬 數之不盡 眾多 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: mou4 sou3
Character Meaning:
nothing; none; nil; without; lacking
to count; number; figure; debt; amount of money; sum; mathematics; to enumerate; to list
Part of Speech: verb
to let it be; to forget it
(Cant.) nei5m4hoi1seng1ngo5zau6dong3gin6si6mou4sou3gaa3laa3ji5hau6dou1m4hou2zoi3tai4
(Eng.) If you didn't say anything then I regarded that you let the matter be. Don't mention it anymore.
(Cant.) nei5soeng6ci3bong1gwo3ngo5gam1ci3ngo5bong1faan1nei5daai6gaa1mou4sou3laa3ngo5mou5him3nei5nei5mou5him3ngo5
(Eng.) Last time you helped me, this time I'll help you in return. (So) both of us don't owe each other anything- we can just let it be.
See also: 隨緣 算數 一次又一次 不可勝數 不計其數 千千萬萬 各式各樣 各種各樣 大大小小 成千上萬 數之不盡 眾多 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License