
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zai6 lau4
Character Meaning:
indigestible; hard to be digested; slow, low dexterity
to stay; to remain; to set aside; to reserve; to save; to let grow
Part of Speech: verb
to be detained; to be held up
(Cant.) jat1pai1jyut6naam4naan6man4jing4jin4zai6lau4hai2san1gaa3bo1
(Eng.) A number of Vietnamese refugees are still detained in Singapore.
(Cant.) jau4jyu1toi4fung1zaap6gong2hou2do1hong4baan1jiu3ceoi2siu1daai6deoi1leoi5haak3zai6lau4gei1coeng4
(Eng.) Because a typhoon hit Hong Kong, many flights had to be cancelled and many travellers were held up at the airport.
See also: 拘留 押 扣留 羈留 下落不明 停薪留職 受困 安提瓜和巴布達 流離失所 無家可歸 生死未卜 落地生根 被困 離鄉別井 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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