
Entry #1
Pronunciation: wan1 wo4
Character Meaning:
warmth; temperature; to revise; to review; to study
and; sum; harmony; total; with; to echo; Japan; Japanese; of Yamato; to mix; to blend; gentle; mild; amiable; harmonious; peaceful; friendly
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: adjective
  • (of attitude, mannerisms) mild; gentle
    (Cant.) taam4tou3wan1wo4
    (Eng.) to talk in a gentle manner

  • (of weather) warm; mild
    (Cant.) hei3hau6wan1wo4
    (Eng.) mild climate

See also: 委婉 輕度 柔 輕聲 細聲 温柔 熱烈 warm 温暖 暖和 一唱一和 一鼻孔出氣 媾和 涇渭分明 温文儒雅 色厲內荏 英雄所見略同 見風駛舵 話不投機半句多 諧和 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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