
Entry #1
Pronunciation: kyut3 zyut6
Character Meaning:
to decide; to determine
to cut off; heartless; to break off; exhausted; unique; superb; extremely; by no means
Part of Speech: adjective
determined and unforgiving; not giving a second chance
(Cant.) keoi5deoi3go3exiks6hou2kyut3zyut6waa6m4gin3zau6zan1hai6m4gin3
(Eng.) She is so determined and unforgiving to her ex. She said she wouldn't see him anymore, and she really hasn't.
See also: 一刀兩斷 不可理喻 不瞅不睬 不顧一切 從容就義 忿然 斬釘截鐵 無可奈何 痛改前非 直截了當 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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