
Entry #1
Pronunciation: seoi2 lung4 tau4
Character Meaning:
water; soup; beverage; liquids in general; body of water
dragon; the goalpost; the goalkeeper; long queue
head; chief; boss; electric plug; first; number one; top; hairstyle; hair; area; location; end; side; front; beginning
Part of Speech: noun
water tap; faucet; spigot (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) ngo5wun6zo2seoi2lung4tau4
(Eng.) I have changed the water tap.
(Cant.) nei5hoi1jyun4seoi2lung4tau4mou5saan1dou3aa4
(Eng.) You didn't turn the tap off after use?
Synonym: Synonym: 龍頭
See also: 龍頭 抽水馬桶 抽油煙機 水撥 水族箱 洗手盆 玻璃水 花灑頭 鋼水 閥門 餿水 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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