
Entry #1
Pronunciation: seoi2 lau4
Character Meaning:
water; soup; beverage; liquids in general; body of water
to flow; rate; class; river; fake; bad; inferior
Part of Speech: noun
(of waterbodies) flow; current
(Cant.) seoi2lau4gap1cuk1
(Eng.) rapid flow of water
(Cant.) ciu4zik6seoi2lau4
(Eng.) tidal flow
(Cant.) zoeng1seoi2lau4ge3dung6nang4zyun2faa3wai4gei1haai6nang4
(Eng.) to convert the kinetic energy of the water flow into mechanical energy
See also: 流動 流通 流 個勢 通貨 當前 現行 通用 水撥 水滴 水腳 水蒸氣 水頭 洋流 浮水 溪流 降水 靈水 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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