
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sei2 hoi1
Character Meaning:
to die; inflexible; to fail; unable to coexist; fixed; rigid; stiff; same old same old; literally: damned; very; extremely; to insist; to be stubborn; to malfunction; to break down
to open; away from; to spread; to enlarge; outside; on the outer side; away; elsewhere; to bloom; to commence; to unlock; to hold (an event); to start up; to turn on; to shoot; to issue; to dispense; to discover; to explore; to expose; to release a result; to reveal; to cut into pieces; to divide; times
Part of Speech: expression
Labels: Vulgar
an impolite way to ask a person to leave; "Get lost!"; "Go away!"; literally: die away
(Cant.) sei2hoi1laa1zo2zyu6tiu4lou6
(Eng.) Move aside, you're blocking the way!
Synonym: Synonym: 躝開
See also: 拋開 揚開 死人頭 死裏逃生 要生要死 見光死 見錢眼開 賤骨頭 鬼迷心竅 魂飛魄散 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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