
Entry #1
Pronunciation: waang4 tai2 dim6 tai2
Character Meaning:
horizontal; horizontal stroke
to look; to look at; to see; to watch; to check; to find out; to think; to judge; to consider; to depend on; to be affected by; to take care of; to keep an eye on; to monitor; be careful of; be wary of
capable; to touch; all right; satisfactory; okay; resourceful; competent; successful
to look; to look at; to see; to watch; to check; to find out; to think; to judge; to consider; to depend on; to be affected by; to take care of; to keep an eye on; to monitor; be careful of; be wary of
Part of Speech: expression
no matter how you look at it; no matter from which angle you look; literally: horizontally look vertically look
(Cant.) tiu4jau2waang4tai2dim6tai2dou1ci5hai6jat1go3mou5si1
(Eng.) He looks like a martial artist no matter which way you look at him.
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