
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gik6 lik1 zi2
Character Meaning:
very; extremely; exceedingly; at most
strength; powerfully; forcefully; strongly; physical strength; effort; force
son; person; egg; sub-
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Loanword Jargon Hong Kong
clutch, a mechanical device that engages and disengages the power transmission in a vehicle
(Cant.) gik6lik1zi2jyu4gwo2hung3zai3sik1ji4dong1jin2seon6tau4seon6lou6laa1gaa2jyu4hung3zai3bat1dong3zau6faan6faan6m4to5
(Eng.) If you get your clutch control right, you will drive smoothly. If you cannot get it right, everything will be problematic.
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