
Entry #1
Pronunciation: dung6 duk1 siu3
Character Meaning:
column; a measure word; stack; pillar
end; bottom; sincere; earnest; deep; profound; to poke; to prod; to dig into; to expose
to laugh; to smile; to ridicule; to laugh at
Part of Speech: noun
stand-up comedy (measure word: 場 / 齣)
(Cant.) siu2ming4dou1sik1gong2dung6duk1siu3ngo5geng1zan1hai6siu3sei2jan4zaa3
(Eng.) No way, Siu-ming does stand-up? I bet he just makes a big fool of himself!
(Cant.) nei5jau5mou5tai2gwo3wong4zi2waa4ge3dung6duk1siu3
(Eng.) Have you seen Dayo Wong do stand-up?
See also: 別開生面 折子戲 拍案叫絕 木偶戲 獨腳戲 破涕為笑 笑吟吟 藝高人膽大 賣飛佛 馬騮戲 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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