
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hei3 kyun4
Character Meaning:
to give up; to throw away; to abandon
influence; right; power; authority
Part of Speech: verb
to abandon one's right; to abstain; to withdraw from a match
(Cant.) hei3kyun4piu3
(Eng.) an "abstain" vote
(Cant.) ni1coeng4bei2coi3ngo5kyut3ding6hei3kyun4
(Eng.) I am going to withdraw from this match.
(Cant.) mou4faat3on3si4dou3ziu6zaap6cyu5bou3dou3ze2zok3zi6dung6hei3kyun4leon6
(Eng.) Those who delay to register at the marshal according to the roll call time will be regarded as withdrawal from the competition.
See also: 戒掉 斷 避忌 忌 棹忌 力排眾議 單刀赴會 廢黜 政治婚姻 棄暗投明 橡皮圖章 焦土政策 背信棄義 贊成 間接選舉 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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