
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gaau3 deoi3
Character Meaning:
school; to adjust; to set; to proofread
pair; towards; correct; right; versus; to check; to proofread; couplet; opposing; on the other side; to go against; to oppose; as for; with regard to; in connection with
Part of Speech: verb
to proofread; to check against the standard
(Cant.) tung4jyun4稿gou2gaau3deoi3
(Eng.) to check against the original manuscript
See also: 不三不四 分類廣告 導修 底稿 批閲 教學相長 文字檔 編印 評理 辭不達意 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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