「架生 / 架撐」

Entry #1
  • 架生 gaa3 saang1
  • 架撐 gaa3 caang1
Character Meaning:
(measure); frame; rack; shelf; stand; face; reputation; to put up; to erect; fight; quarrel; to fend off; to ward off; to withstand; to support; prop; help; to kidnap
raw; to give birth; uncooked; alive; Mr.; life; birth; grow; learner; to give birth to; to bear; to grow up; to grow; to cause; to give rise to
Part of Speech: noun
  • work equipment or tools
    (Cant.) 擸架生laap3 gaa3 saang1
    (Eng.) grab the tools
    (Cant.) go3zong1sau1si1fu2waa6m4gei3dak1daai3gaa3caang1jiu3ci4bun3go3zung1sin1dou3
    (Eng.) The contractor said that he forgot to bring his tools and would be half an hour late.

  • tools for comitting crimes, especially referring to weapons used for gang fights
    (Cant.) daai6lou2tau4sin1daa2din6waa2lai4gam1maan5jiu3tung4jan4hoi1pin2faai3di1heoi3lo2gaa3caang1
    (Eng.) The boss just called, there is going to be blood tonight, go grab your gear, boys.

See also: 人造纖維 冷兵器 就地取材 手寫板 架仔 架撐 槓桿原理 洗衫板 花灑頭 變壓器 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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