
Entry #1
Pronunciation: cyun1
Part of Speech: noun
village (measure word: 條)
(Cant.) 鄉村hoeng1 cyun1
(Eng.) rural village
(Cant.) 圍村wai4 cyun1
(Eng.) walled village
(Cant.) 漁村jyu4 cyun1
(Eng.) fishing village
(Cant.) 農村nung4 cyun1
(Eng.) farming village
(Cant.) 村民cyun1 man4
(Eng.) villager
(Cant.) cyun1doi6biu2
(Eng.) village representative
(Cant.) 村長cyun1 zoeng2
(Eng.) village head
(Cant.) cyun1mou6
(Eng.) village affairs
(Cant.) 村公所cyun1 gung1 so2
(Eng.) village office
(Cant.) zaap6sing3cyun1
(Eng.) multi-surname village
(Cant.) cyun1man4ji5cyun1ge3ming4ji6hei2zo2ni1go3gwong2coeng4
(Eng.) Villagers built this square in the name of their village.
(Cant.) ni1tiu4cyun1mou5mat1jan4zyu6
(Eng.) Not many people live in this village.
(Cant.) ni1tau4cat1tiu4cyun1jat1cai4ho6daan3
(Eng.) In this area, seven villages celebrate the birthday (of a deity) together.
Synonym: Synonym: 村落
See also: 村莊 村民 鄉民 村落
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