
Entry #1
Pronunciation: pang4 jau5
Character Meaning:
friend; pal; (derogatory) gang; clique
friend; companion; guy; dude; bloke; fellow
Part of Speech: noun
  • friend (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) jau5mat1je5m4hoi1sam1ho2ji5wan2pang4jau5king1haa5
    (Eng.) When you are unhappy, you can talk with your friends.
    (Cant.) keoi5hai6ngo5zeoi3hou2ge3pang4jau5
    (Eng.) She's my best friend.

  • friendly address to ordinary people (measure word: 位)
    (Cant.) bat1leon6hai6zi1ci4ding6hai6faan2deoi3ge3pang4jau5dou1fun1jing4daa2soeng5lai4ngo5dei6ge3phone-infung1 in1zit3muk6gong2loeng5geoi3
    (Eng.) Supporters and opponents are both welcome to dial to our phone-in programme to say something.

Antonym(s): Antonym(s): 敵人
See also: 死黨 友 友人 fd子 friend 友人 同事 好友 故友 炮友 老友 莊友 親朋好友 釣友 雀友 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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