
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jau5 mou5 gaau2 co3
Character Meaning:
to have; have; there is/are; to be made up of; to own; to exist; can be found
don't have; do not; there is/are not; to not exist; to not be related; to not have; to not own; to not possess; no big deal; nothing important
to do; to arrange; to manage; to harass; to disturb
wrong; mistake; fault; blunder; wrongdoing; mistaken; incorrect
Part of Speech: expression
"What?", used to express that the situation is outrageous, unbelievable, ridiculous
(Cant.) jau5mou5gaau2co3dim2gaai2gam1jat6wui5zou2zo2saan1gaa3
(Eng.) What? How come the shop is closed early today.
(Cant.) jau5mou5gaau2co3aa3nei5gam2dou1tai2m4dou2
(Eng.) What's wrong with you. How could you not see it.
See also: 搞錯
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