
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jau5 gaau1 daai3
Character Meaning:
to have; have; to be made up of; to own; to exist; can be found; there is/are
hand in; to hand in; to submit; to pay; to cross; to intersect; argument; fight
carry, bring; to bring; to carry; climatic zone; region; area; ribbon; band)
Part of Speech: adjective
responsible; trustworthy
(Cant.) hou2sin6mou6nei5jau5go3gam3jau5gaau1daai3ge3zai2m4使sai2ling6jan4cou1sam1
(Eng.) I am envious of you having such a responsible son. You need not worry about him.
See also: 盡責 一諾千金 講口齒 可靠 老實 答話 負擔 反應 職務 口齒 可憐天下父母心 君子之交淡如水 嗲聲嗲氣 寬衣解帶 得饒人處且饒人 有備無患 有眼不識泰山 有頭有尾 神龍見首不見尾 老眼昏花 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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