
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zaam6 gou3 jat1 dyun6 lok6
Character Meaning:
of a short period; temporary; provisional; temporarily; for the time being
tell; sue; to sue; to complain; to report; to tell; to state; to inform
one; as soon as; once
to fall; to drop; to go down; to put in; to add; to get an abortion; to abort
Variants: Variants:一段落
Part of Speech: expression
have come to an end for the time being
(Cant.) bun2zit3muk6zaam6gou3jat1dyun6lok6
(Eng.) The programme has come to an end for the time being.
(Cant.) hai2zeon3jap6haa6jat1go3cong3zok3gaai1dyun6cin4gung1zok3zoeng1wui5zaam6gou3jat1dyun6lok6
(Eng.) The work will be on hold until its next stage of production.
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