
Entry #1
Pronunciation: long6 gon1
Character Meaning:

dry; in a dry manner; to dry; to dehydrate; dried; preserved; desiccated
Part of Speech: verb
to dry in the air; to dry by hanging
(Cant.) long6gon1di1saam1
(Eng.) to hang dry the clothes
(Cant.) aa3cung4尋晚cam4 maan5 fan3瞓覺gaau3laai6sap1zo2zoeng1cong4ji4gaa1keoi5aa3maa1hai2dou6bong1keoi5long6gon1keoi5zoeng1牀單cong4 daan1
(Eng.) A-chung wet his bed last night; now his mom is drying the sheet by hanging it out.
See also: 乾水 乾洗 乾瑤柱 乾蒸 洗濯 洗衣粉 洗衫板 洗身 濕淋淋 烘乾 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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