
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ming4 zi1 gu3 faan6
Character Meaning:
to understand; bright; coming; next; clear; explicit; blatantly; unabashedly; the Ming Dynasty
to know; knowledge; to realise; to understand; to inform
cause; therefore; hence; past; old; former; late; dead; reason; to intend; incident; story
to commit; to violate; convict; criminal; to offend; to be against
Part of Speech: expression
to knowingly commit a mistake or crime; to wilfully violate
(Cant.) ming4zi1gu3faan6zeoi6gaa1jat1dang2aa3
(Eng.) To knowingly violate the rules will further increase your (sense of) guilt.
See also: 為所欲為 蓄意
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