
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jat6 gei3
Character Meaning:
day; sun; daytime; shorthand for Japan; 24 hours
remember; to remember; to bear in mind; to recall; to record; to make a note of; to mark down
Part of Speech: noun
diary (measure word: 本)
(Cant.) 日記簿jat6 gei3 bou2
(Eng.) diary book
(Cant.) ngo5jau4luk6seoi3hoi1ci2zau6jau5se2jat6gei3ge3zaap6gwaan3
(Eng.) I gained the habit of keeping a diary since the age of six.
See also: 遊記 日記簿 周記 回憶錄 小冊子 心路歷程 筆記簿 紀念冊 線裝書 記敍 速記 飛鴿傳書 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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