
Entry #1
Pronunciation: si1 zin2
Character Meaning:
to put into effect; to execute; to carry out; to enforce; to bestow; to grant; to exert; to impose; to use; to apply
exposition; exhibition; expo; to display; to show; to showcase; to exhibit; to expand; to spread out
Part of Speech: verb
to put to good use; to give full play to
(Cant.) si1zin2wan6san1gaai2sou3
(Eng.) to put a person's all talents to the best use
(Cant.) si1zin2mei6lik6
(Eng.) to turn on the charm
See also: 使出 回天乏術 攻城掠地 放冷箭 橫掃千軍 直搗黃龍 神乎其技 身懷絕技 雕蟲小技 飛簷走壁 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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