
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tyun5 sin3
Character Meaning:
to break; absolutely; to cut off; to break off; to abstain from
thread; string; route; line; boundary; tier; network connection; reception; signal
Part of Speech: verb
(of internet or telephone connections) to disconnect; to drop
(Cant.) daa2daa2haa5gei1zau6lai4jeng4go2zan6tyun5zo2sin3
(Eng.) I was in a game, almost won, and the connection dropped.
(Cant.) ji5cin4jung6modemmou1 dem4soeng5mong5jat1bei2jan4ling1hei2go3din6waa2zau6wui5tyun5sin3gaa3laa3
(Eng.) In the past, when we used a modem to connect to the internet, if someone picked up the phone, you would get disconnected.
See also: 間斷 脱節 脱軌 摔 降 下挫 墜 勾線 打樁機 折線 斷斷 斷網 斷纜 死機 直流電 覆機 電話線 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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