
Entry #1
Pronunciation: san1 sang1
Character Meaning:
new; newly; freshly; recently; (of items) new; newly made; unused; newly created; previously unseen; different; something new; recently changed; newly updated
raw; to give birth; uncooked; alive; to give birth to; to bear; to grow up; to grow; to cause; to give rise to; Mr.; life; birth; grow; learner
Part of Speech: noun
  • new student (measure word: 名 / 個)
    (Cant.) san1sang1zyu6caat3sau2zuk6
    (Eng.) registration procedure for new students

  • new life; regeneration
    (Cant.) keoi5zou6jyun4sau2seot6zi1hau6hou2ci5cung4wok6san1sang1jat1joeng6
    (Eng.) After her operation, it's like she was born again.

See also: 再生 丑生 中學生 初中生 卵生 本科生 眾生 研究生 胎生 莘莘學子 青少年 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: san1 sang1
Character Meaning:
new; newly; freshly; recently; (of items) new; newly made; unused; newly created; previously unseen; different; something new; recently changed; newly updated
raw; to give birth; uncooked; alive; to give birth to; to bear; to grow up; to grow; to cause; to give rise to; Mr.; life; birth; grow; learner
Part of Speech: distinguishing word
  • newborn; recently born
    (Cant.) san1sang1jing1ji4
    (Eng.) newborn baby

  • newly-established
    (Cant.) san1sang1gwok3gaa1
    (Eng.) newly-established country

See also: 丑生 中學生 初中生 卵生 本科生 眾生 研究生 胎生 莘莘學子 青少年 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2019 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License