
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zing2 hap6
Character Meaning:
to make; the whole; the entire; neat; tidy; organized; well arranged; to create; to repair; to fix; to harass; to annoy; to prank
close; suit; combine; to close; to combine; to join (efforts); to unite; to match; to suit; to be equal to; to be equivalent to
Part of Speech: verb
to integrate; to put together
(Cant.) zing2hap6zi1jyun4
(Eng.) to integrate resources
(Cant.) zoeng1m4tung4dei6fong1ge3zi1liu2zing2hap6zou6jat1go3biu2sin1
(Eng.) First of all, integrate all data collected from various places into a single table.
See also: 綜合 接軌 統一 融入 拼 裝嵌 綜 操守 分工合作 分門別類 取長補短 推陳出新 整理 格式化 通力合作 重整 重組 集思廣益 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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