
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gam2 sei2 deoi2
Character Meaning:
dare; to be brave enough; to dare; to venture
to die; inflexible; to fail; unable to coexist; fixed; rigid; stiff; same old same old; literally: damned; to malfunction; to break down; very; extremely; to insist; to be stubborn
team; a team of; a group of; queue; line; to jab; to insert; to stab; to binge
Part of Speech: noun
dare-to-die corps; suicide squad (measure word: 支)
(Cant.) keoi5dei6hoeng2caan4bing1jap6min6zing1zaap6zo2jat1deoi6wai4sou3sap6gei2jan4ge3gam2sei2deoi2wai6zyu2bou6deoi2cit3退teoi3to1jin4si4gaan3
(Eng.) They have assembled a suicide squad of a couple dozen people from the retreating forces to buy time for the retreat of the main force.
Synonym: Synonym: 死士
See also: 一網成擒 先頭部隊 兵分兩路 擒賊先擒王 橫掃千軍 直搗黃龍 自告奮勇 衝鋒陷陣 雜牌軍 驍勇善戰 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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